After a gentle alien becomes stranded on Earth, the being is discovered and befriended by a young boy named Elliott. Bringing the extraterrestrial into his suburban California house, Elliott introduces E.T., as the alien is dubbed, to his brother and his little sister, Gertie, and the children decide to keep its existence a secret. Soon, however, E.T. falls ill, resulting in government intervention and a dire situation for both Elliott and the alien.
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E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
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Views:190 views
Tagline:He is afraid. He is alone. He is three million light years from home.
Quality: HD
Year: 1982
Duration: 115 Min
Budget:$ 10.500.000,00
Revenue:$ 792.965.500,00
Director:Steven Spielberg
Cast:Alexander Lampone, Anne Lockhart, Barbara Hartnett, C. Thomas Howell, Chuck Riley, David Berkson, David Carlberg, David M. O’Dell, Debra Winger, Dee Wallace, Diane Lampone, Drew Barrymore, Erika Eleniak, Frank Toth, Henry Thomas, James Kahn, K. C. Martel, Mary Stein, Melissa Mathison, Michael Darrell, Milt Kogan, Mitch Suskin, Pat Welsh, Peter Coyote, Rhoda Makoff, Richard Pesavento, Richard Swingler, Robert Barton, Robert MacNaughton, Robert Murphy, Sean Frye, Susan Cameron, Ted Grossman, Tom Sherry, Will Fowler Jr.