In the combustible action franchise’s final installment, maverick detectives Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh square off against Asian mobster Wah Sing Ku, who’s up to his neck in slave trading and counterfeit currency. With help from gumshoe Leo Getz and smart-aleck rookie cop Lee Butters, Riggs and Murtaugh aim to take down Ku and his gang.
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Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)
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Views:103 views
Tagline:The faces you love. The action you expect.
Quality: HD
Year: 1998
Duration: 127 Min
Budget:$ 140.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 285.444.603,00
Director:Richard Donner
Cast:Al Goto, Al Leong, Al Sapienza, Barret Swatek, Benjamin King, Bob Jennings, Chris Rock, Conan Lee, Damon Hines, Danny Arroyo, Danny Glover, Danny Wynands, Darlene Love, Ebonie Smith, Eddy Ko, Elizabeth Sung, François Chau, George Cheung, Greg Bronson, Jack Kehler, James Lew, James Wing Woo, Jamie Donovan, Jeanne Chinn, Jeff Imada, Jessica Jann, Jet Li, Joe Pesci, Kim Chan, Marian Collier, Mary Ellen Trainor, Mel Gibson, Michael Chow, Paul Tuerpe, Philip Tan, Ray Chang, Raymond Ma, Raymond Moy, Rene Russo, Richard Riehle, Roger Yuan, Roland Kickinger, Sam the Dog, Sarah Sullivan, Shawn Michaels, Simon Rhee, Stephen Liska, Steve Kahan, Tony Keyes, Traci Wolfe, Zu-Wu Qian